Annual Report 2022–23

社會責任 Social Responsibility 61 推動多元共融 BUILDING A DIVERSE AND INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY 中大鼓勵交流、體諒和理解,致力建設多元共融的和諧社區。 CUHK aspires to create a diverse and inclusive environment, cultivating a rich exchange of perspectives, and promoting empathy and mutual understanding. 「多元共融大使計劃」 D&I Ambassador Programme 設計思考 2023 暑期訓練計劃 Design Thinking Summer 2023 講開 D&I D&I Voices 「多元共融大使計劃」邀請本地及非本地全日制非應屆畢 業本科生擔任校園大使,提倡多元共融,為大學營造充滿 活力、開放公平及關愛友善的文化。學生大使透過體驗式 活動,學習如何在校園內外推廣反歧視信息。 The Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Ambassador Programme recruits full-time, non-final-year undergraduates, both local and non-local, to support the University’s attempts to create a vibrant, open, welcoming environment. Student ambassadors are equipped with the knowledge and skills required to deliver anti-discrimination messages on campus and in the community through a range of experiential learning activities. 本地貧窮問題非一日之寒,中大舉行「設計思考2023暑期 訓練計劃」,啟發中學生思考如何推動扶貧。計劃透過工 作坊、構思小組及短片拍攝等活動,向學員介紹聯合國可 持續發展目標1「無貧窮」及目標2「零飢餓」,鼓勵他們發 揮創意,建設「消除貧窮.零飢世代」的社區,實踐世界公 民的責任。 With poverty being a long-standing issue in Hong Kong, CUHK aspires to inspire young people to contribute to its alleviation. The Design Thinking Summer 2023 educated secondary students on the importance of SDG 1 (No Poverty) and SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) through training workshops, ideation sessions and the production of short videos. Students were able to unleash their creativity with ideas for building communities free from poverty and hunger, and to consider their responsibilities as global citizens. 中大推出「講開D&I」YouTube影片系列,邀請不同界別人士 分享有關多元共融的故事和想法,期望發揮更大影響力,在 校園以外的地方建立一個公平、多元且兼容的社區環境。 CUHK launched the D&I Voices YouTube video series to present thoughts and stories about diversity and inclusion, allowing individuals from different sectors to engage with a global audience, and extending the University’s impact on building a fair, diverse and inclusive community beyond campus. D&I Ambassadors 多元共融大使 The D&I Voices YouTube video series present thoughts about diversity and inclusion of individuals from different sectors. 「講開 D&I 」系列邀請不同界別人士分享對多元共融的想法。 請掃描二維碼觀看 「講開D&I」影片系列: Please scan the QR code to watch the D&I Voices series: