《校長報告書》 1978–82

Shen, Philip 沈宣仁 ——:《文學欣賞與神學》,《神學通訊》,1979.8。 ——:《宗敎與哲學》,《葡萄園》,46 ( 1981.1 ) 。 ——:《從小敎會開始》,《台灣聖公會通訊》,29 : 3 ( 1981. 3 ) 。 ——︰ → 254. Sh i e l d s ,Bernard Joseph "Giuseppe Castiglione: Jesuit painter at the court of Peking." Theology Annual (Hong Kong), 1979. "Editorial." Theology Annual (Hong Kong), 1980. (Contributed titles and abstracts as 'Mitarbeiter') Internationale Zeitschriftenschar für Bibelwissenchaft und Grenzgebiete, (Dusseldorf) Brand 27, 1980-81. "Issuesfacing the Catholic church in Hong Kong: A personal view." Theology Division News, 15 (1981.2). Soo, Thomas Yee-po 蘇以葆 ——:《聖誕》,《基督敎週報》,1979. 12。 ——:《更新》,《信息月刊》,1980.2。 ——:《發怒》,《港澳敎聲》,1980. 6。 院内同寅合著 Co-authored Publication (Intra-faculty) 017 Dethlefsen, Dirk and Kwok, Siu-tong E . "Ueberlebenschancen-Zu Schnitzlers 'Leutnant Gustl' und dem Literarischen und Sozialpsychologischen Umkreis Der Novelle ." Seminar, Autumn 1979. 工 商 管 理 學院 Faculty of Business Administration 會計與財務學系 Department of Accounting and Financ e Au Y e u n g , Pak-kuen 歐陽柏權 ——:《廿世紀審計實務及原理發展》,香港中文大學工商管理學科研究所,1980.5。 ——. "A critique of tax incentives in Hong Kong.'' Asian Finance, 1978.3. ——. "Effects of inflation on Hong Kong Taxation." The Hong Kong Manager, 1978.10. ——. "Taxation in the People's Republic of China." Certified Accountant, 1981.10. Chan, Patrick S. T. 陳士庭 ——. "Changing corporate environment calls for special managers." Hong Kong Young Executive, 1981.8, pp. 32-36; Young Executive, 1981.8. ——. "A closer look of business enterprises." Hong Kong Young Executive, 1982.9; Young Executive, 1982.9. —— and (Pattison J.C.). "Cash management of foreign note holdings b y banks." Journal of Banking and Finance, 5:4 (1981.12), pp. 511-521. ——: → 023, 024 & 025. Fu, Philip 傅元國 ——:《近卅年會計有何新創理論與方法》,《廣東財會》,3 ( 1980.4 ) 。 ——:《財務會計與管理會計的主要內容,作用及其異同》,《廣東財會》,3 ( 1980.4 ) ——. "Recruitment and staff development at Th e Chinese University of Hong Kong." In Proceedings of ASAIHL Seminar on Management Education (Singapore). 1979.5. Hsu, Dan-lin 許丹林 ——. "The impact of the bank cost accounting system." New Asia Management Journal, 1980. H u n g , Dominica S.Y. Lee 洪李淑儀 ——:《存貨管理對利潤的影響》,《信報財經月刊》,4 : 7 ( 1980.10 )。 83