Annual Report 1993-94

19 文學院重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of Arts •藝術系開設哲學碩士學位(藝術創作)課程。 •翻譯系完成翻譯主修課程籌備工作。該課程將於九四至九五年度開設。 •宗教系完成宗教研究哲學博士學位課程籌備工作。該課程將於九四至九五年度開設。 •歷史系完成檢討及重整主修課程之工作。 •中國語言及文學系和英語教學單位擴展中英語文選修課程,幫助學生提高語文能力。 • The Department of Fine Arts launched an MPh il Degree Programme (Studio Arts). • The Department of Translation finalized preparations for a BA programme i n translation, to be launched in 1994-95. • The Department of Religion finalized preparations for a PhD programme in religous studies, to be launched in 1994-95. • The Department of History revamped its major programme to produce a more diversified and balanced curriculum. • The Department of Chinese Language and Literature and the English Language Teaching Un it expanded their elective programme of language proficiency courses to help students improve language skills. 英語教學單位轄下的語文硏習進修中心於九三年八月正式投入服務,學生可採用自學形式改善英語水平。中國語言及文學系亦 已展開成立中文自學中心的籌劃工作。兩個語文自學中心,將合併爲一。 The Independent Learning Centreof the English LanguageTeachingUnit beganoperation in August 1993.Students of all faculties can improve their written and spokenEnglish on a self-learning basis.A similar centre for Chineselanguageindependentlearning is being plannedby the Department of ChineseLanguageand Literature. Thetwo centreswill eventually be combined.