Annual Report 1993-94

20 工商管理學院重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of Business Administration •學院完成工商管理哲學碩士課程籌備工作。該課程將於九四至九五年度開設,分四個專業:決策科 學與企業經濟學、財務學、管理學及市場學。學員可通過研究,獲取商科之高級學位。 • 一九九三年八月開辦二年兼讀制之行政人員工商管理碩士課程,專供從事中國貿易之資深行政 人員修讀。 • Plans for launching an MPh il programme in business administration in September 1994-95 were finalized. W i th four areas of specialization — decision sciences and managerial economics, finance, management, and marketing, the programme allows students to pursue a higher degree in business by research and helps train specialists w i th a solid academic background for the business and management education sectors. • A new two-year part-time Executive MBA Programme was launched in August 1993 for senior business executives. 行政人員工商管理碩士課程學員參加「住宿週」活動。該課程可促進中港貿易,首年錄取學員三十六名。 Thirty-six students were enrolled in the new Executive MBA Programme in 1993-94. The programme is expected to contribute significantly to Hong Kong'sgrowing businesstransactions with enterprisesin mainland China.