Annual Report 1993-94

23 醫學院重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of Medicine •學院開設眼科及視覺科學系,爲中大及港大提供眼科之本科教學,並爲本港之眼科醫生提供專 業訓練。 •香港癌症中心於九三至九四年度委任本地翹楚及國際知名科學家,出任其顧問委員會及科學顧 問委員會成員,指導該中心的未來發展。中心將與新設於威爾斯親王醫院而隸屬醫院管理局的 包玉剛爵士癌症中心和包黃秀英女士兒童癌症中心緊密合作,開展與癌症有關之硏究及治療工 作。 • The faculty established a new Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences to teach ophthalmology to medical students of both The Chinese University of H o ng K o ng and the University of H o n g Kong, and to enhance vocational training of eye doctors in the territory. • The H o ng K o ng Cancer Institute appointed a Board of Advisers and a Board of Scientific Advisers in 1993-94. Local dignitaries and internationally renowned scientists on the t wo boards w i l l give advice on the future development of the institute. The institute w i ll w o r k closely w i th the Hospital Authority and its two cancer centres — the Sir Yue-Kong Pao Centre for Cancer and the Lady Pao Children's Cancer Centre, to be opened at the Prince of Wales Hospital in November 1994. 眼科及視覺科學系分別於威爾斯親王醫院、瑪麗醫院及香港眼科醫院三處開展工作,圖爲位於九龍亞皆老街 之香港眼科醫院。 The new Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Scienceskeepofficesat the Prince of WalesHospital Queen Mary Hospital and theHong Kong EyeHospital, which is locatedin Argyle Street (above).