Annual Report 1993-94

22 工程學院重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of Engineering •學院於九三年九月遷往新落成之何善衡工程學大樓。 •原系統工程學系改組,易名系統工程及工程管理學系。課程著重工程學管理及有關之數學分析 方法,專修範圍包括運籌學、管理學、決策科學及訊息系統。 •學院完成機械及自動化工程學系的籌備工作。新學系將於九四至九五年度開設,課程範圍包括 工業自動化、機械人、計算機輔助設計、計算機輔助生產和自動控制理論。 •英國電機工程師學會於九三年終重新認可或首次認可下列四項課程:電算工程學、電子計算 學、電子工程學及訊息工程學。 • The faculty moved to the newly completed Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building m September 1993. • The Department of Systems Engineering was reorganized and renamed the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, w i th a programme emphasizing analytical methods and mathematical modelling of engineering management. The basic components of the programme include operations research, management and decision sciences, and information systems. • Plans to establish a Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering in 1994-95 were finalized. The new department w i ll focus on industrial automation and take over programmes on robotics, C A D / C A M, and control theory. • Four courses of studies — computer engineering, computer science, electronic engineering, and information engineering, were re- accredited or accredited for the first time by the Institution of Electrical Engineers (UK) in late 1993 新落成之何善衡工程學大樓設備先進,有電子計算、電子 、電訊 及系統工程學等實驗設施。 The new Ho Sin-Hang EngineeringBuilding housesmany modern laboratoriesin computer science, electronics,telecommunications,and systems engineering.