Annual Report 1993-94

30 中國文化研究所劉殿爵教授 ( 右 ) 及陳方正博士 ( 左 ) 建立「先秦 兩漢一切傅世文獻電腦化資料庫」,開創漢學研究新局面。 Prof. D.C. Lau (right) and Dr. F.C. Chen (left) of the Institute of Chinese Studies, with a series of major grants, havecompiled a computerized databaseof the entire bodyofextant Han and pre-Han traditional Chinesetexts. This databasepromises to bea unique tool for research in Sinology. 研究評核 Research Assessment 隨著公私撥款的增加,校方有更大義務向公眾交代其硏究成績。本校的科硏活動於 年中曾接受大學及理工教育資助委員會的評核,結果顯示高水平的硏究涵蓋面甚廣,而 在某些範圍本校硏究人員更有特優表現。 香港硏究資助局亦於本年開始,審核各大專院校曾獲該局甄選撥款的硏究項目。在 眾多已完成的項目中,有九項獲評爲具「卓越」水準,其中六項,是由中大教硏人員主 持的。 另方面,大學已開始系統地評核校內所有硏究所,檢視其過往表現,以制訂未來硏 究方向。大學又計劃進行校內硏究評核,作爲獎勵卓越表現的依據。 The much increased level of support rightly requires a greater degree of accountability to the public. In the academic year 1993-94' the research performance of the entire University was examined in a Research Assessment Exercise conducted by the UPGC. Feedback indicates that there is a breadth of activity at very high level and that there are areas of decided strength. The RGC also started to assess the final outcome of the Earmarked Research Grants that it awards. In the first round of final assessments' only nine projects in all of Hong Kong were rated as 'excellent'; six of these are projects by CUHK staff. The University also started a thorough review of the existing research institutes, in order to assess past performance and chart future directions. Plans were being made to launch an internal research assessment exercise to reward outstanding performance.