Annual Report 1993-94

34 Sciences and Arts, the International Council of Scientific Unions, the Chinese Academy of Arts, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Academia Sinica in Taiwan. University members served as members of their special boards and committees, editors and referees of their journals, external examiners of their degree examinations, and advisers and consultants to their projects. Numerous international conferences and seminars were held on the campus during the year to address mushroom biotechnology, M i n dialects, the economic and social stratification of China, playwriting in the Chinese language, cultural and literary criticism, Faulkner screen plays, eye surgery, the psychology of the Chinese, computer databases for Chinese medicine, and pre-1949 Christian higher education in China, to name but a few of the many themes. Such functions promoted knowledge interflow and stimulated the cross-fertilization of Eastern and Western cultures. The Universities Service Centre, a major resource centre for contemporary China studies, continued to attract local and overseas research students, post-doctroal researchers, and senior faculty members to its fine collection and user-friendly support services. 貢獻中國 The China Scene 大學其他部門更戮力協助中國推行現代化和人力培訓,在管理、經濟、宏觀規劃、 銷售及人力訓練等方面,爲國內機構設計和舉辦訓練課程。過去一年,共有二百五十七 位中國學員來校參加四項特別設計的高級進修課程,計爲山東學人培訓計劃、中石化髙 級管理人員培訓班、現代國有企業培訓班,以及中國高級公務員培訓計劃。 Other University units were helping China to modernize its economy and to train the needed manpower in the fields of management, economics, macro-planning, marketing, and manpower training. During 1993-94, 257 trainees from mainland China received training in four tailor-made advanced training programmes: the Shandong Fellows Training Programme, the Sinopec Senior Management Programme, Modern State-owned Enterprise Management Training Programme, and the China Senior Civil Official Training Programme. 高校長(右)歡迎學者蒞臨本校硏討福克納劇作 Vice-Chancellor CharlesKao (right) welcomes scholars attending the conference on Faulkner screen plays.