Annual Report 1993-94

72 捐助者 Donors 捐贈金額 Amount donated 摘要 Particulars 香港骨髓捐贈基金,香港電 台第三台,南華早報 Hong Kong Marrow Match 1,020,000 For T he Hong Kong Paediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Fund' of the Department of Paediatrics. 許讓成先生紀念基金 H u i Yeung Shing Memorial Foundation Limited 900,000 To support the establishment of the Hui's Art Gallery at Cheng M i ng Building, New Asia College. 郭謝碧蓉基金 Joyce M. Kuok Foundation 630,000 每年最高 annual maximum To provide 38 Joyce M. Kuok Foundation scholarships of $16,600 each every year from 1993-94. 李碧恥女士 Ms. Eva Li 700,000 To improve the landscape of United College campus. 惠安製衣集團有限公司 Onwel Garment Holdings Ltd. 750,000 To support a heart and hypertension research undertaken by the Department of Medicine. 東方報業慈善基金會 Oriental Press Charitable Fund Association 500,000 To set up a 'Childhood Incontinence Combined Investigational and Therapeutic Centre' in the Department of Surgery. 600,200 To support children liver transplantation undertaken by the Department of Surgery. 1,000,000 For the 'Burns Research' project undertaken by the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 福高藥業國際有限公司 Pharmakon International Laboratory Ltd. 500,000 To support bio-equivalence studies jointly undertaken by the Departments of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy. 信興機構 Shun H i ng Group 5,000,000 To establish a Shun H i ng Research and Development Fund (totalling $18,000,000). 王澤森博士 Dr. Wilson T.S. Wang 1,123,693 To support the 'Fifth Wilson T.S. Wang International Surgical Symposium' organized by the Department of Surgery during 3rd-5th December 1993. 1,000,000 To support the 'Wilson T.S. Wang International Surgical Symposium' to be organized by the Department of Surgery in Hong Kong and Beijing in October and November 1994 respectively. 650,000 For the 'Wilson T.S. Wang Distinguished International Professorship' scheme for 1994-95.