Annual Report 1994-95

staff 教職員 4 1 教職員 Staf f 教職員人數 S t a f f N u m b e r 大學教職員人數在一九九四至九五年度增加約百分之五,達三千七百廿六人,其中教 員人數接近九百人。教員年齡主要介乎卅一至四十五歲之間。百分之七十的教員爲本地人 士,其餘則來自世界各地遍及二十多個國家及地區。本年度專職研究人員共有一百五十七 人,雖只佔教職員總人數百分之四點二,但已較上年大幅增長百分之五十。 The University's staff p o p u l a t i on g r ew by some five per cent to 3,726 d u r i ng the year, among w h o m some 900 are teaching staff. The majority of the teachers fall w i t h in the age range of 31-45. Seventy per cent of t h em are of local origin, wh i le the rest hail f r om some 20 different countries and regions. A l t hough research staff constitute a mere 4.2 per cent of the total staff force, it is w o r t h no t i ng that in the year their n umb er increased substantially b y over 50 per cent to 157. 一九九四至九五年度全職教職員分布 Distribution of Full-time Staff 1994-95