Annual Report 1994-95

4 2 教職員 staff 新服務條款 N e w C o n d i t i o ns o f Se r v i ce 校方於一九九四至九五年度因應各方面的需要而檢討了多項人事政策,部分新措施已 按計劃推行。 由於大學教育資助委員會已決定採用一套全新的撥款模式,參照各院校之表現而決定 撥款數目,本校亦於九五年七月一日起之新學年開始,實施新的校內撥款方法。各學院將 首先獲分配一筆款項,再自行將款項分配予轄下各學系。學系可按個別情況訂出不同的運 用方式,經大學批准後即可付諸實行。新撥款方法使學院及學系能更靈活和彈性運用資 源,在相應的問責制度支持下,進一步貫徹權力下放的精神,帶來更高的行政效率。單就 招聘教師來說,由於不必再沿用傳統的規定先申請增設職位,學系可按撥款額決定招聘人 數,相信必可加快招聘程序。 校方由九五年七月一日起實施劃一服務條件,所有按(甲)類服務條例或同等條例受聘 的教職員,不論其國籍,將以相同的服務條件受聘。有關之修訂項目主要包括統一僱員的 住屋福利、旅費和行李津貼。 教職員資任政策亦於年內修訂,加快了評審程序。所有於九四年八月一日或以後按有 關服務條例受聘之教職員,其本人或校方皆可於試用期內服務滿十二個月後要求實任評 審。而於九四年八月一日前按上述服務條例受聘而仍在試用期之教職員,亦可於試用期內 服務滿十二個月後要求實任評審。 此外,校方又通過由九五年八月一日起實施一套新的教師職稱,俾能更準確反映中大 教師相較海外同業的學術地位。新職稱包括講座教授、教授、副教授、助理教授等,新職 稱對於現行之職級架構及薪級制度無影響。新任的教師將於受聘的同時獲授適當的職稱, 而在職的教師則可個別提出申請轉用新職稱。 I n 1994-95 b o th proactive and reactive personnel policy changes we re introduced to cope w i t h the University's changing ma n p ower needs. The University's n ew f u n d i ng model, w h i c h mirrors the n ew performance-based allocation mechanism adopted by the University Grants Committee, was introduced f r om 1st July 1995 and w i l l be in full operation in 1995-96. Under this model, a budget i n the f o rm of a block grant is first allocated to each faculty, w h i c h i n turn sub-allocates funds to its academic departments. Individual departments are a l l owed to draw up their o w n budget plans a nd after seeking proper approval f r om the University can, alongside w i t h proper accountability, enjoy mu ch greater flexibility in the deployment of funds. Under this 'one-line budget', the University's decentralization can be pushed a step further. It w i l l b r i ng about higher efficiency i n teaching staff recruitment since the traditional procedures for establishing n ew posts are no longer required, and recruitment w i l l n ow be subject to availability of 'funds' rather than 'posts'. I n the year the University also formally r emo v ed the difference be t ween local a nd overseas terms of service. W i th the implementation of equal terms of employment f r om 1st July 1995, all n ew appointees on Terms of Service ( A ) / ( HA) a nd equivalent terms w i l l be offered the same set of terms, irrespective of their countries of origin. Basically, the p r o v i s i ons of terms of service benefits, w i t h particular respect to h o u s i ng a nd