Annual Report 1995-96

Alongside the increased intake in existing programmes, one new undergraduate and 11 new postgraduate programmes were introduced in 1995-96. The y are: Pre-registration B.Nurs . programme M.Phil, programme in environmental science M.Phil. programme in food and nutritional sciences M.Phil, programme in mechanical and automation engineering M.Sc. programme in computer science and engineering M.Sc. programme in computer science Master of Nu r s i ng programme Master of Public Health programme Master of Architecture programme Ph.D. programme in translation Ph.D. programme in mechanical and automation engineering Ph.D. programme in history Some 12 new programmes have also been planned for introduction in 1996-97. Several have already been approved by the University Senate, namely the M. Ph i l . programme in pharmacy, Postgraduate D i p l oma i n nursing, M.Sc. p r og r amme in finance, M.S.Sc. programme in communication, Ph.D. programme in nursing, and Ph.D. programme in architecture. 改善科目與教學質素 Improvement of Courses and Teaching 校方一貫強調,提供高質素教育是大學的職責。是以一九九五至九六年間,本校繼續檢 討校內保證教學質素的機制,以期進一步改善其效能,應付外在環境的變遷。大學教育資助 委員會一九九六年一月在本校進行教與學質素保證過程檢討,對本校教學產生推動作用。校 方已慎重考慮小組檢討後之建議,並跟進有關事項。 鑑於本港社會經濟及政治環境迅速轉變,學生中英語文水準下降,校方特別關注本校雙 語教育的發展。在資源不足和學生時間有限的情況下,校方仍積極增加語文選修科目的數 量,並由語文自學中心舉辦多元化活動,提高學生的語文水平。成員書院則舉辦各種針對語 文問題的課外活動,協助學生改進中英文能力。 校方又於一九九六年暑期開設三門英語實用科目,為常規學期中礙於課業負荷或時間衝 突而錯過修讀此類科目的學生,提供另一個機會。語文改善課程也在年內伸延至研究式高級 學位課程一研究院新生輔導課程增加兩節語文課程。 學術發展 Academic Development 14