Annual Report 1995-96
社 會 科 學 院 重 要 發 展 Major Events in the Faculty of Social Science 上圖︰兩地三岸「傳播與經濟發展研討會」 下圖︰「醫療架構內的治療小組」工作坊 Above: GreatChina Conferenceon Communication and Economics Development Below: Workshopon Therapeutic Groups in Medical Settings •建築學系開設建築碩士學位課程。 •新聞與傳播學系 ( i ) 加強與國內傳媒教育院校的聯繫,並成為國際傳媒研究協盟的創辦 成員; ( i i ) 出版實習月刊《大學線》,取代《新沙田》;《大學線》與英文實 習月刊 V a r s i t y 已放上萬維網; ( i i i ) 出版半年刊《薪傳》,加強系方與校友和學生的溝通; ( i v ) 合辦兩岸三地「傳播與經濟發展研討會」。 •心理學系 ( i ) 舉辦第七屆華文及其他亞洲語文之認知研究國際會議; ( i i ) 贊助中國科學院心理研究所出版季刊《中國心理學學報》。 •社會工作學系贊助兩個大型訓練工作坊,分別以「家庭治療與中國家 庭」和「醫療架構內的治療小組」為主題。 •社會學系開辦由福特基金贊助的「青年社會學者短期培訓計劃」,訓練 到訪的國內年青大學教師設計和教授社會學科目。 • The Department of Architecture introduced an M.Arch. programme. • The Department of Journalism and Communication (i) extended and reinforced linkages w i th media education institutions i n China and joined the International Consortium on Media Studies as a founding member; (ii) launched a Chinese practicum U-Beat to replace New Shatin. Both U-Beat and its English counterpart Varsity are available on the World-wide Web; (iii) l a u n c h e d a b i a n n u a l n ews l e t t e r , The Channel, to f a c i l i t a te communication between the department, alumni, and students; (iv) co-sponsored the Greater China Conference on Communication an d Economic Development. • The Department of Psychology (i) hosted the Seventh International Conference on the Cognitive Processing of Chinese and Other Asian Languages; (ii) started co-sponsoring the publication of Acta Psychologica Sinica, the leading psychology journal i n China, w i t h the Institute o f Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. • The D e p a r t me nt of Social W o r k sponsored t w o ma j or t r a i n i ng workshops, one on Family Therapy and Chinese Families and the other on Therapeutic Groups in Medica l Settings. • The Department of Sociology started a Course-Specific Teachers Training Programme sponsored by the Ford Foundation to enable young teachers from selected universities in China to visit the department an d be trained in the design and teaching of sociology courses. Academic Development 學 術發展 25
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