Annual Report 1995-96

理 學 院 重 要 發 展 Major Events in the Faculty of Science •環境科學理學士課程首批畢業生誕生。 •增設食品及營養科學哲學碩士學位課程,以配合相關之本科課程之發 展。 •數學系應社會之需,擴展其應用數學組為計算及應用數學組。 •物理系開設一項學院科目——科技通訊,改善理科和工科學生的溝通技 巧,以利學習和就業。 • The B.Sc. programme in environmental science produced its first batch of graduates. • A l l M.Phil. programme in food and nutritional sciences was launched to complement the recently introduced undergraduate programm e on related subjects. • The D e p a r t me nt of Ma t h ema t i cs f u r t h er e x p a n d e d its a p p l i ed mathematics stream into a computational and applied mathematics stream to reflect the increasing importance of computation mathematics in modern society. • The Department of Physics introduced a faculty course i n scientific communication to i mp r o ve the communicatio n skills of science and engineering students, for purposes of university studies and future employment. 上圖︰環境科學理學士課程師生 下圖︰理科生向預科生介紹理學院課程和 設備 Above: Staffand students of theB.Sc. programme in environmental science Below: Science students introduce academic programmes and facilities to sixth formers 學術發展 Academic Development 24