Annual Report 1995-96

教職員 staff 教職員入數 Staff Population 本年度教職員總人數達四千一百零九人,其中九百五十二人為教學人員,他們大多為本 地人士,來自海外的約佔百分之卅五;三分之二的教學人員年齡介乎三十歲至五十歲。 A t the end of 1995-96, the University's staff population totalled 4,109, of wh om som e 950 are teaching staff. Two-thirds of the teaching staf f fall w i t h in the age range of 30-50 . Most of them are of local origin, w i t h a complement o f about 35 per cent coming f r om overseas. 一九九五至九六年度全職教職員職別/職級分布圖 Distribution of Full-time Staff by Job Types/Grades 1995-96 註:以一九九六年六月三十日之紀錄計算 不包括擔任名譽職務者 Notes: A ll figures as at 30th June 1996 Honorary appointments are no t included Staff教職員 41