Annual Report 1995-96

Fo l l ow i ng the acquisition of a new , integrated library system — I NNOPAC — i n June 1995, the whole bibliographic database of the University library was migrated to the new system in less than six months. A n d by June 1996, all modules except acquisitions were migrated f r om the old I BM mainfram e Dob i s /E to the new system. I NNOPAC is technologically mor e advanced and enables the University to make various improvements on l i b r a r y services. Use rs can get m u c h mo r e information f r om the user-friendly Online Publi c Access Catalogue. The reserve book collection, the audio-visual collection and the serials module also became automated for the first time. Users can n ow v i ew their loan records, renew loaned items, send suggestions, and ask reference questions online. They can also access other local and overseas library catalogues f r om th e main menu. E-mail is n ow used t o send circulation notices to users. 重 整 館 藏 Relocation of Resources 所有東方語文歷史書籍已於一九 九五年暑期集中存放在大學本部圖書 館,以方便管理和借用;美國研究圖書 館於同年八月遷往聯合胡忠圖書館。 To improve the use and management of i n d i v i d u al collections, all history books in East Asian languages were consolidated and rearranged i n the m a i n l i b r a r y on the c en t r al campus in the summer of 1995. The American Studies Resources Library was relocated to the W u Chung Library at Unite d College in August of the same year. 一九九五至九六年度圖書錄流通量 Library Circulation 1995-96 書 Books 474,152 各類學報期刊 Periodicals 12,082 指定參考書 Reserve Books 194,357 影音資料及其他 Audio-video Materials & Miscellaneous 51,903 總數 Total 732,494 圖書館藏書量(截至一九九六年六月三十日) Holdings of the Library System as at 30th June 1996 種類 Category 東亞語文 East Asian Languages 西方語文 Western Languages 總數 Total 書 Books 563,094 597,237 1,160,331 期刊合訂本 Bound Periodicals 36,160 162,677 198,837 各類學報期刊 Current Periodicals 2,485 6,712 9,197 總數 Total 601,739 766,626 1,368,365 教學輔助設施 Academic Support Facilities 58