Annual Report 1995-96

捐贈與賬目 Donations and Accounts 一九九五至九六財政年度是一九九五至九八年政府每三年一次撥款期之首年,大學財政 狀況健全:政府撥款、學費及其他收入來源增長百分之卅二;基本支出以薪金及教研設備為 主,增幅約百分之二十;年終結算並預留各種儲備後,大學仍有少量盈餘。 在這個撥款期內,政府撥款仍然是大學之主要收入來源,其增長為百分之卅一;而學費 收入亦會有顯著增長,因為政府之政策是逐漸增加學費以填補大學百分之十八的支出。未來 幾年,大學財政來源會更加依賴私人資助、自行籌募及捐贈。 過去數年,教學部門之支出持續增加,但至一九九五至九六年度已穩定下來,約佔大學 財政預算的百分之七十六。雖然通貨膨脹和生活指數調整對薪金及設備預算之影響減少,但 設施老化及新樓宇日增,保養維修的開支相應增加。由於大學之行政支援服務素有效率,行 政費用保持在總開支百分之六的低水平。 校方預計政府會在下一個撥款期減少資助,遂通過新撥款模式以調整資源分配。所有主 要之教學及行政部門均實行「單項預算」財政撥款方式,在各自預算範圍內,可彈性處理經 費。 新會計管理制度已於一九九六年七月推行,大學管理層將可得到最新之財務訊息。至於 另階段的電腦化計劃則會以重整業務流程為重點,進一步提高行政支援服務的效率。校方已 做好準備,迎接未來財政管理上的挑戰。 各類捐贈對加強本校教學及維持高質素研究影響重大。校方衷心感謝各界人士、友好機 構,以及校友多年來之慷慨捐贈和支持。 University finances were sound an d viable in the 1995-96 fiscal year, the first year o f the 1995-98 f und i ng triennium. Income f r om government grants, tuition fees and other sources has increased b y 32 per cent. A t the same time, expenditure wh i ch comprises primarily salaries and teaching/research equipment costs has risen by 20 per cent. After making necessary appropriations to bu i ld up the reserves for future use, the University has a small surplus to be carried forward to the remaining two fiscal years of the current funding triennium. For this triennium, government f und i ng has increased by 31 per cent and remains the University's p r i ma ry source o f income. Income f r om t u i t i on fees w i l l increase substantially as the government aim s to recover 18 per cent of programme expenditure through fees. I n the coming years, more of the University's financial resources w i l l be derived f r om private funds or self-financing activities an d donations. Expenditure in the academic departments increased steadily i n the past few years, but was stabilized in 1995-96 to about 76 per cen t of the University's annual operatin g budget. Although the impact o f inflation an d cost-of-living adjustments o n the salary and equipment budgets m i g h t have lessened, its effect on the maintenance budget was Donations and Accounts 捐贈與賬目 69