Annual Report 1995-96

aggravated by ageing facilitie s and the construction of new buildings on campus. Th e administration budget was kep t at a l ow six per cent level as the University operates an efficient and effective system for suppor t services. Anticipating a reduction in government funding in the next triennium , the University has made adjustments in resource allocation via the Ne w Funding Model. A l l key operating units, academic and administrative, are now on the one-line budget system and have the flexibility to set priorities for thei r expenditures w i t h in certain budgetary constraints and guidelines. Up-to-date and timely financial information w i l l be provided to management 五十萬港元或以上之捐贈 (一九九五至九六年度) Donations of HK$500,000 or above (1995-96) 捐助者 Donor 捐贈金額 Amount Donated 摘要 Particulars 葉元章先生 Mr. Anthony Y. C. Yeh 1,000,000 For general use by United College . 國泰航空有限公司 Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. 1,000,000 For setting up the Cathay Pacific Wheelchair Bank for children w i th neuromuscular diseases by the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology . 裘搓基金會 The Croucher Foundation 600,000 To support academic visits b y scholars from mainland China to the University in 1995-96. 尤德爵士紀念基金理事會 Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council 842,000 For awarding (a) 10 Sir Edwa r d Youde Memo r i al Fellowships of $38,000 each to postgraduate research students; and (b) 21 Sir Edwa rd Youde Memo r i al Scholarships of $22,000 each to undergraduate students in 1995-96. 恒生銀行有限公司 Hang Seng Bank Limited 3,767,348 Contributions to the University under the Affinity Card Programme. 利希慎基金有限公司 Lee Hysan Foundation Limited 28,000,000 To support the concert hall project in phase V redevelopment of teaching buildings at Chung Chi College . 梁朝英姜善恆母子醫療 康復教育基金 1,000,000 For purchasing medical equipmen t and upgrading the Burns Unit of the Department of Surgery to treat victims of the Pat Sin Range blaze. 捐贈與賬目 Donations and Accounts 70