Annual Report 1996-97

of China. Its progress during the year was made possible by the generosity of our friends, alumni, and supporters. If the amount they donate for our various projects is an indicator of the level of appreciation of the University's efforts, then the total donation of over HK$230 million in 1996-97 is most telling. 以卓越為鵠的 In Pursuit of Excellence 一九九六至九七年度是極之繁忙和多姿多采的一年,而能夠在香港歷 史轉折的時刻參與策劃中文大學的發展,是我的榮幸。去年八月我初 任校長時,中大充滿了生機和活力;使我欣慰的是,在過去一年她茁 壯依然:一九九六至九七年度透過聯招進入專上院校就讀的學生,以 中大為第一志願的最多,佔三分之一:一九九六年獲政府聘為政務主 任的本地大學畢業生之中,近六成為中大畢業生;我們於一九九五至 九八年度取得的大學敎育資助委員會經常費撥款額,較其他大學為 高’也是過去五年取得最多甄選硏究撥款的院校;我們擁有最多給硏 究資助局評為「卓越」的研究項目,其後更獲該局分配最多的研究生學 額;年中本校更加強了與耶魯、康奈爾、劍橋、倫大、多大、北大、清華和復旦等著名學府的聯 繫。中大在亞洲大學排名榜上位居首五名之內,擁有全港最出色的商學院。 The year 1996-97 has been extremely bus y and eventful, bu t I consider it my privilege to be involved in charting the course of the University at this important juncture of Hong Kong's development. The Chines e University as handed over to me last August was a thriving and dynamic institution, and I a m happy to report that it is going strong: in 1996-97, the University was the first choice of the largest number, indeed one-third, of students admitted to the tertiary institutions through th e Joint University Programmes Admissions System; we boast the largest number of graduates appointed to the Administrative Officer grade in the civil service in 1996; we received the larges t share of performance-based recurrent funding from the government for the 1995-98 triennium, as well as the largest amount of earmarked research grants over 新亞學生往訪耶魯大學 New Asia studentsat Yale 10 校 長 報 告