Annual Report 1996-97

the past five years; w e produced th e most projects with a n 'excellent' rating an d were subsequently allotted th e most postgraduate places from th e competitive central pool. During th e same period, w e reinforced exchange linkages with such prestigious universities a s Yale, Cornell, Cambridge, London University, Toronto University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, and Fudan University. W e ar e among th e to p fiveuniversities in Asia an d boast th e best business school in Hong Kong, which ha s been ranked number four in th e Asia-Pacific region. 致謝 Vote of Thanks 本年度大學得到各方支持和捐贈,對本校投以信任的一票,我無任感激。我更衷心感謝各位校董 的提挈和指導,以及校內同人的合作和努力。我向所有曾協助本校取得今日成就的人士致意,並 呼籲各同人上下一心,與我並肩把中大建設成為一所更出色的大學。 I thank al l benefactors an d donors fo r their generous support an d their strong confidence in this university, al l Council members fo r their valuable advice an d guidance, an d al l colleagues fo r their cooperation an d hardwork during a most productive year. I pa y tribute t o al l those wh o have contributed t o th e University's past success, an d I need al l th e help from those working with m e no w to turn it into a n even greater university. 校長 Vice-Chancellor 李國章 Arthur K.C. L i 一九九七年七月卅一日 31s t July 199 7 11 Vice-Chancellor' s Repor t