Annual Report 1996-97

For th e full-time undergraduate programmes in general, 1996-97 wa s a year fo r consolidation and fine-tuning. T o coincide with th e government's decision t o achieve steady increase in th e number o f both taught and research postgraduate students, an d t o meet th e ne w demands o f the community, eigh t new postgraduate programmes, o f which four ar e self-financed, were introduced in 1996-97 a s follows: Postgraduate Diploma in nursing programme M.Phil. programme in pharmacy M.S.Sc. programme in communication M.Sc. programme in finance M.Sc. programme in information engineering Master o f Clinical Pharmacy programme Ph.D. programme in architecture Ph.D. programme in nursing Plans ar eunder wa y fo r other new postgraduate programmes t o b e launched in th e next fe w years. Five o f them have already been approved b y th e University Senate fo r introduction in 1997-98, namely a n M.Phil, programme i n industrial-organizational psychology, a n M.Sc . programme in electronic engineering, a n M.Sc. programme in systems engineering and engineering management, a Ph.D. programme in philosophy, an da Doctor o f Education programme. 敎與學的質素 Teaching and Learning quality 本校堅信提供高質素敎育是學校的基本職責。一九九六至九七年間,本校繼續定期自我檢討敎學 質素的保證過程、課程結構、科目內容和敎學方法,以期進一步改善,俾能應付外在環境的轉 變,並維持校內重視敎學質素的文化。這文化已從大學敎育資助委員會於一九九六年一月蒞校訪 問後所撰的《敎與學質素保證過程檢討報告》中得到印證。 除設法改善現行敎學質素保證過程,以期發揮更大效能外,本校繼續奉行雙語政策,全面支持校 19 Academi c Developmen t