Annual Report 1996-97

內單位舉辦各種活動,改進學生的語文能力。成員書院在開設英語、中文及普通話選修科目之 餘,繼續舉辦多種增進學生語文能力的活動。此外,工商管理學院、工程學院及社會科學院分別 於本年為新生開設特別設計的英語必修科目。其他學院也計劃在不久將來開設類似科目。 本校於一九九七年一月成立了語文改進工作組,監察校內的語文能力改善活動和有關的資源運 用,以協調語文敎學單位、學院及書院所推行的同類計劃。該工作組也負責增設符合學生需要的 語文能力改善課程。 語文改進工作組的首項嘗試,是自一九九七至九八年度起為所有本科新生開辦一項普通話、粵語 及英語精修課程,改善學生查字典和拼音的技巧,加強他們的文法意識,促使他們注意語文的重 要性。校方特於一九九七年暑期舉辦語文精修課程試驗計劃,收集學生的意見,改善該項新課程 的設計和敎學方法。 With the firm belief that the provision of quality education should be the primary function of educational institutions, the University, in the course of 1996-97, continued to review its quality assurance processes, academic programmes, course contents and teaching methods regularly with a view to improving their suitability to changing circumstances, and to maintaining its culture of quality teaching which was confirmed by the Report of the Teaching and Learnin g Quality Process Review Panel of the University Grants Committee after their visit in January 1996. Apart from seeking mean s to improve its existing teaching quality assurance processes, the University continued to uphold its bilingua l policy, giving full support to different units in the provision of language enhancemen t activities. In addition to offering a variety of elective courses in English, Chinese, and Putonghua , the University's colleges continued to provide a wide range of language enhancement activities. Three faculties of the University, namely the faculties of business administration, engineering, and social science, also introduced English for specific purposes (ESP) courses for their first-year students starting from 1996-97. Other faculties are planning to introduce similar courses specifically designed for their students in the years to come. In January 1997, the Working Group on Language Enhancement was set up to oversee the University's language enhancement activities , and advise on the utilization of resources for these purposes, with a view to co-ordinating activities run by the language teaching units, faculties and colleges, and introducing programmes that better suit the language needs of students. 20 學術發展