Annual Report 1996-97

工商管理學院重要發展 一、會計學院獲准由一九九八至九九年度起開設自負盈虧的二年制兼讀會計碩士課程。 該課程可望提高本港在職會計師的專業水平,適應不斷轉變的社經環境。 二 、財務學系獲准由一九九八至九九年度起開辦計量財務學理學士課程。該課程由工商 管理學院、理學院及工程學院合辦,適合對財務有興趣,或計算能力強而欲增進商 科基礎知識的學生。 三、學院籌備開設一系列酒店管理課程,包括全日制本科課程、自負盈虧兼讀制碩士 課程及短期的行政人員課程,以培訓酒店高層行政人員,紓緩亞太區酒店業對管理人才的渴求。 四、三年制工商管理碩士課程籌劃由一九九八年起增設暑期學期,讓學生彈性缩短修業期。 五、由十二人組成的學院訪問團於一九九七年四、五月間到北京和上海訪問重點的院校和硏究所,加強與 內地的聯繫,並切實探討學術交流及人員培訓的項目。 Majo rEvent s i n th e Facult yo f Busines sAdministratio n 1. Th e School o f Accountancy finalized preparations fo r the launch o f atwo-year part-time self-finance d Master o f Accountancy programme in 1998-99. The programme aims a t upgrading graduate accounting education fo r accounting/business graduates a n d qualified accountants, a n d preparing them fo r th e challenges o f the changing social-economic environment i n Hong Kong. 2. A B.Sc. programme i n quantitative finance was approved fo r implementationunder the Department o f Finance i n 1998-99. A cooperative effort b y th e faculties o f business administration, science, a n d engineering, the programme caters t o both students who are interested in finance, and those with advanced quantitative skills who wis h t o acquire a basic business education. 3. The faculty made preparations for the introduction o f a series o f hotel management programmes, including a full-time BB A p r o g r amme, apart-time self-funded master p r o g r amme, a n d executive education programmes fo r practitioners i n th e field. These programmes will meet th e urgent d e m a nd fo r locally- trained senior executives i n hotel management i n Hong Kong and th e neighbouring region. 4. A proposal t o introduce a summer term from 1998 fo r the Three-Year MBA Programme was approved t o allow students the option o f completing their studies i n less than three years. 5. A 12-member delegation from th e faculty visited ke y academic institutions i n Beijing a n d Shanghai i n April/May 1997 t o foster closer relationships and t o explore ways o f collaboration i n student/faculty exchange, research, and executive education. 學院代表圑訪問清華大學 Facility members visit Tsinghua University Major Events 26 學 術 發 展