Annual Report 1996-97

文學院重要發展 一、翻譯文學士學位課程首批畢業生誕生。翻譯系又積極籌備出版全國首本具評審制度的雙語《翻譯學報》 半年刊,這將使文學院之學術期刊增至五種。 二、宗敎系在籌備成立崇基學院宗敎與中國社會硏究中心的過程中擔當重要角色,及後又為該中心提供行 政及管理支援,和協調其硏究工作。 三、多個學系於是年舉辦不同形式的學術活動,邀請世界各地著名學者參加,以促進學術交流。重要之項 目包括: •「中國語文敎學硏討會——從預科到大專」(中國語言及文學系) •偉倫訪問敎授公開講座「全球化過程中的英國文學與比較文學硏究及其在現代大學敎育的意義」 (英文系) • Reflective Thinking: Learning from T e a c h i n g 公 開 講 座 ( 英 語 敎 學 單 位) •「中國書法國際學術會議」、「香港中文大學藝術系四十周年系慶敎師作品展」(藝術系) •「中國考古學:跨世紀的問題與前瞻」(歷史系) •國際夏令鋼琴學院九六(音樂系) •「基督敎與中國宗敎對希望的詮釋」國際學術硏討會、「道敎與中國民間宗敎學術硏討會」(宗敎 系) •「翻譯理論硏討會」(翻譯系) Majo rEvent s i n th e Facult yof Art s 1. The BA programme in translation produced its first batch o f graduates i n1997, The Department o fTranslation also m a de preparations for the launch of the bilingual and biannual Journal of TranslationStudies, the first refereed journal i n th e field o f translation studies i n China, a n d th e fifth refereed academic journal o f th e Faculty o f Arts, 2. Th e Department o f Religion played a significant role i n th e establishment o f th e Centre fo r th e Study o f Religion a n d Chinese Society o f C h u ng Ch i College; i t gives administrative support t o th e centre a n d coordinates it s research activities. 3. Different departments organized a wide range o f academic activities t o promote academic exchange: • Seminar o nChinese Language Teaching (Department o f Chinese Language and Literature) • We i Lu n public lecture titled 'Globalization a n d th e Study o f English a n d Comparative Literature: Implications fo r Their Uses i n th e Present Da y University' (Department o f English) • Public lecture titled 'Relective Teaching; Learning fro m Teaching' (English Language Teaching Unit) • International Symposium o n Chinese Calligraphy, and 40th Anniversary Faculty Show (Department o f Fine Arts) • S y mp o s i um o n Chinese Archaeology: Th eState o f the Field (Department o f History) • International Summer Piano Institute 1996 (Department o f Music) • International conference o n 'Interpretation o f Hope i n Chinese Religions and Christianity' and Academic Conference on Daoism a n d Chinese Popular Religion (Department o f Religion) • Seminar o n Translation Theory (Department o f T r a s l a t i o n) Major Events 25 A c a d e m i D e v e l o p m