Annual Report 1996-97

Applied research leading to patentable results has been increasing rapidly, especially after a Policy on Research, Consultancies and Intellectual Property was adopted in 1995 to articulate the consensus within the University's scholarly community on the handling o f intellectual property. From the adoption of this policy up to June 1997, a total of 19 invention disclosures were received, of which 11 have had patents filed either through the University or its collaborators and six are at various stages of evaluation. 技術轉讓和特許使用 Technology Transfer and Licensing 由於科技發展一日千里,但申請專利權的過程漫長,許多發明者轉而倚賴特約經銷等形式來保障 他們的知識產權。過去一年,本校同人與商界達成技術轉讓或特許使用的個案急劇增加。其中值 得一提的,是大學屬下的公司與商業伙伴合組新公司,開發由本校發明的局域網多媒體自選視像 技術的商業用途。 A notable development during the year under review was a marked increase in technology transfer and the licensing of inventions. Because of the rapid development of technologies, many of these have been transferred or licensed without going through a patent process, with the intellectual property being protected by other means, e.g., proprietar y methods. A significant event was the setting up of a company jointly with a commercial partner to apply multimedia video-on-demand technology to Local Area Networks (LANs). 研究成果 Research Output 硏究工作的成果,主要以學術報告及論文形式發表。一九九六至九七年度本校教研人員發表專論 二千二百四十種,題材包羅萬有,反映硏究範圍廣泛。 截至九六年底,在眾多由硏究資助局競爭性撥款支持的本地硏究計劃之中,有四十二項獲評為 42 研 究