Annual Report 1996-97

「卓越」,其中十九項由本校敎研人員主持,數目不單領先其他大學,而且佔總數幾近一半,比撥 款多寡更能顯示本校的硏究實力和成果。 Research output, mainly in the form of scholarly publications, covers a wide area, and reflects the broad spectrum of research activities in the University. In 1996-97, a total of 2,240 publications were recorded. The University is particularly pleased that of the projects funde d by the Research Grants Council under the Earmarked Grants Scheme, 19 from CUHK have been rated on completion as 'excellent' so far 一 out of a total of 42 for all of Hong Kong. Perhaps more than the grants awarded, this is the clearest indication of research capability. 44 研 究