Annual Report 1996-97

Career talks, exhibitions, simulated interviews, current affairs discussion groups and workshops were organized for both final and non-final year students to strengthen their language proficiency and communication, social, interpersonal, and leadership skills. A total of 20 9 sessions of such guidance and recruitment activities were organized in 1996-97 and were attended by 16,307 students, including some 3,000 students who visited the Civil Service Careers Exhibition and 380 students who participated in Mock Interview Workshops organized for those interested in the accountancy, investment banking, and teaching professions. 調查 Student Surveys 學生事務處於一九九六至九七年度開展了下列多項調查,以期改進工作,提供更佳服務: •新生家庭狀況調查; •新生的社會及家庭觀念問卷調查: •新生健康評估,以確保有潛在問題之學生能及早獲得輔導; •范克廉樓膳堂管理、服務水準和食物質素調查; •大學畢業生語文能力調查; •畢業生就業調查。 To better plan various services for students, the following surveys were conducted in 1996-97: • a survey on the socio-economic background of new students of 1996 ; • a survey on the social and family values of new students of 1996; • a mental health screening exercise for first-year students for the purpose of identifying the high risk groups for early counselling services; • a study on the management , service, and food quality of canteens at the Benjamin Franklin Centre; • a survey on the language proficiency of university graduates; and • a survey on the employment of 1996 graduates. 71 Student s