Annual Report 1996-97

教學輔助設施 ACADEMIC SUPPORT FACILITIES 圖書館服務 Library Services 本校圖書館系統年內曾接受校內及校外的全面審核。香港研究資助局於一九九六年夏天視察本校 的圖書館服務,對館方善用圖書館發展基金,利用先進科技協助讀者搜尋資料,深感滿意。事實 上,圖書館系統年內致力提高運作和管理效率,加強對讀者的支援服務,轄下各部門也制定了新 的服務指標和承諾。 The University's library services were evaluated by RGC members during their visit to the University in mid-1996; the library system itself also underwent an exhaustive interna l audit in 1996-97. While RGC members were favourably impressed by the good use of library development funds and the new technologies made available to library users, efforts to further improve operational effectiveness, management efficiency, and user support continued throughout the year, an d new performance pledges were made by different units in the library to render even better services to their clients. 提高成本效益和效率 Increased Cost-Effectiveness and Efficiency 圖書館編目組採納了核數師的建議,改用新 的電腦系統及書目設施後,在人手減少的情 況下,編目數量卻以倍增,並清除了積壓的 書籍。館方謹慎評估書商質素、外來資源服 務和電子訂書法後,購書速度與效率已相應 提高。經與保險公司重新磋商投保細節後, 館藏圖書的保險費用也得以減省。 On the recommendation of professional auditors, new computers and bibliographi c utilities were emp l o y ed for the library's cataloguing services, as a result of which the 圖書館藏書量(截至一九九七年六月三十日) Ho l d i ngs of the L i b r a ry System as at 30th June 1997 種類 Category 東方語文 Eastern Languages 西方語文 Western Languages 總數 Total 書 Books 493,694 680,481 1,174,175 丨 期刊合訂本 Bound Periodicals 39,531 151,735 191,266 各類學報期刊 Current Periodicals 2,674 6,978 9,652 總數 Total 535,899 839,194 1,375,093 72 敎 學 輔 助 設 施