Annual Report 1996-97

上圖:崇基敎學樓群第五期重建工程 下圖:重建後之構想圖 Above: PhaseV redevelopment ofteaching buildings on Chung Chi campus Below: An artist's impressionofphase V redevelopment The Shanghai Fraternity Association Research Services Centre was completed and fitted out substantially during the year. Other capital projects such as phase V redevelopment of teaching buildings on Chung Chi campus, a new science building complex, two tower blocks of staf f quarters, and a hostel for postgraduates with 450 single rooms were at different stage s of construction. In the pipeline with UGC blessing are the construction of a phase II engineering building for departments in the Faculty of Engineering, an extension building to the Prince of Wales Hospital to accommodate various facilitie s of the much expanded clinical departments in the Faculty of Medicine , an extension to the Madam S.H. Ho Hostel for medical students, and three 300-bed hostels for undergraduates. Private funds have also been secured to buil d a School of Public Health Building at the University's teaching hospital. 翻新及升格工程 Renovation and Upgrading 新亞知行樓、聯合湯若望宿舍和硏究院宿舍等多幢學生宿舍已經徹底翻新,房間均添置了電話和 校園電腦網絡的接線。 大學行政樓外觀改善工程、基本醫學大樓兩層半樓宇重新間格,以及校長府邸「漢園」的翻新工程 均擬定了仔細方案;校方也積極改善校園設施,方便殘障人士研讀和活動。 Several student hostels including Chih Hsing Hall on New Asia campus, Adam Schall Residence on United campus, and some parts of the Postgraduate Hall complex on central campus were extensively renovated, and individual rooms i n each were provided with connections for direct exchange line telephones and the campu s network backbone. Meantime detailed design for a major face-lif t of the University Administration Building, the refitting- out of two and a half floor s of the Basic Medical Sciences Building, and the renovation of the Vice-Chancellor's Residence were under way. Plans to install special facilities on campus for the disabled were also devised. 78 敎 學 輔 助 設 施