Annual Report 1996-97

環境保護 Campus Preservation 校方年內徹底勘察並評估校園斜坡的安全,更獲大學敎育資助委員會撥款,修建部分斜坡。 白石角卸泥填海和吐露港公路擴闊路面的工程已於年內展開,校方繼續監察工程對校園環境的影 響,並盡力把影響減至最少。 校方又仔細檢查去水系統、化糞池,以及廚房和食堂的濕滑陷阱,以期作出改善;另換掉以四氯 化碳作冷凍劑的大型冰箱,以免加害臭氧層;並在許多樓宇改用雙重火警警報系統,加強防火設 施。 Thorough investigation and assessment o f slope safety o n campus wa s carried ou t during th e year, an d applications t o the UGC fo r funds t o finance remedial stabilization o f several slopes were subsequently approved. With th e launch o f th e public dump a t Pa k Shek Ko k an d th e Tolo Highway Widening Scheme, special efforts were made to ensure that their adverse impact on University activities was minimized. During th e same period, th ecampus drainage system associated with septic tanks an d grease traps o f kitchens an d canteens was carefully examined fo r improvement purposes, major refrigeration machines that used t o operate o n refrigerants o f chlorofluorocarbons with high ozone depletion potential were replaced, an d many campus buildings were provided with two-tier fire alarms t o enhance safety. 修建後的斜坡 A stabilizedslope 79 Academi c Suppor t Facilitie s