Annual Report 1996-97

經常費收支賬項 截至一九九七年六月三十日止年度 Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 30th June 1997 1997 1996 $'000 $'000 經常收入 General income 香港政府資助 Hong Kong Government subvention s 2,283,104 2,154,826 學費及其他收費 Fees income 446,692 365,419 利 息 / 投資收益 Interest/investment income 52,216 41,749 租金 Rental recovery 41,681 37,617 雜項 Miscellaneous income 16,536 4,050 2,840,229 2,603,661 專用收入 Specific income 特定撥款 Earmarked grants 214,843 211,917 捐贈基金及捐款 Endowment income and donations 376,198 334,672 基建項目撥款 Capital grants 120,539 100,295 其他營運收入 Other operating income 183,910 217,150 895,490 864,034 經常支出 General expenditure 行政經費 Administration 148,835 146,295 教務經費 Academic 1,938,002 1,819,154 校園維修 Maintenance of premises 214,460 198,288 一般教育事務經費 Genera l education 30,068 27,068 學生福利及康樂經費 Student facilities and amenities 79,035 78,359 雜項 Miscellaneous 191,902 179,858 簡單工程費用 M i n or works 28,165 41,816 2,630,467 2,490,838 專用支出 Specific expenditure 特定撥款之支出 Expenditure funded by earmarked grants 198,949 192,582 捐贈基金及捐款之支出 Expenditure funded by endowment income and donations 159,166 273,149 基建項目支出 Capital expenditure 其他營運支出 Other operating expenditure 107,989 169,508 58,178 125,228 635,612 649,137 是年度盈餘 Surplus for the year 469,640 327,720 轉賬自(至) Transferred from (to) 儲備金 Reserves (194,156) (171,289) 專用款項 Specific funds (259,878) (108,180) 淨盈餘轉大學教育資助委員會撥款平衡賬 Net surplus transferred to UGC equalization account 15,606 48,251 87 Donations , Finance s an d Account s