Annual Report 1997-98

利漢釗博士(右)於一九九七年十月七日的校董會會議上代表大學致送紀 念品予即將榮休之大學校董會主席利國偉博士(中),左為李國章校長。 A t th e Counci l meetin g hel d o n 7t h Octobe r 1997 , Dr. Le e Hon-chi u (right) , chairman-designat e o f th e University Council , presente d a Universit y emble m t o Dr . Le e Quo-wei (centre) , wh o wa s t o retir e fro m Counci l chairmanship . On th e lef t i s vice-chancello r Prof . A r t h u r K.C . Li . 高層人事變動 本年大學高層有頗大的人事變動。出任本校校董會主席十六年的利國 偉博士,於一九九七年十月廿三日榮休,但仍概允出任終身校董, 以保持與中大的緊密聯繫。利博士擔任中大校董會主席期間,為大學 募集得大量捐款,並以其睿智遠識,推動中大穩步發展,貢獻至大, 我們謹祝利博士退休後生活愉快。 利漢釗博士已接替利國偉博士,成為本校校董會的新任主席,並獲林 李翹如博士襄助。林博士於一九九七年十月改任校董會副主席,其大 學司庫職務則由郭炳聯先生接任。校董會成員的更替已詳載於本書 第二章。我們歡迎新任校董陸觀豪先生、黃志祥先生、馮國綸先生、 汪穗中先生、陳鑑林議員、張文光議員和田北俊議員,更多謝他們不 避辛勞,協助中大的發展。 1997-98 academi c year , an d administrativ e office s wer e asked t o examin e thei r cost-effectivenes s i n th e fac e o f reduction i n governmen t fundin g i n th e 1998-200 1 triennium. In the process , office s wer e restructure d an d processe s were streamline d t o increas e productivit y an d retrenc h costs . The Universit y Healt h Service , th e Securit y Unit , an d th e Transport Uni t complete d thei r revie w exercise s durin g th e year an d new measure s wer e introduce d t o enabl e the m t o achieve mor e wit h less , Th e Building s Offic e wa s reorganize d after th e revie w int o tw o independen t office s t o dea l wit h specific dutie s mor e efficiently : th e Campu s Developmen t Office no w oversee s th e plannin g an d developmen t o f th e campus an d monitor s th e progres s an d qualit y o f al l capita l and improvemen t works , whil e th e Estate s Managemen t Office supervise s th e repai r an d maintenanc e o f Universit y buildings an d ground s an d th e operatio n o f it s physica l plan t Other office s tha t bega n thei r revie w exercise s i n th e yea r include th e Bursary , th e Personne l Office , th e Offic e o f Student Affairs , th e Colleg e Dea n o f Students ' Offices , an d the Universit y Secretariat . Onc e th e firs t roun d o f review s ar e complete fo r al l majo r offices , ou r administratio n a s a whol e will b e resilien t enoug h t o cop e wit h an y perturbatio n i n th e fiscal environment , an d robus t enoug h t o suppor t th e University i n seizin g opportunitie s tha t com e it s wa y t o achieve greate r excellence . Evolving Leadership Accompanying al l th e introspectio n an d th e reachin g ou t have bee n significan t change s i n Universit y leadership . Afte r having serve d a s chairma n o f th e Universit y Council fo r 1 6 years sinc e 1982 , Dr . Le e Quo-we i retire d fro m Counci l chairmanship o n 23r d Octobe r 1997 . Durin g hi s ter m Dr . Le e had raise d hug e sum s fo r th e University' s developmen t an d given i t hi s excellen t guidanc e an d wis e counsel , withou t which th e Universit y coul d no t hav e progresse d s o steadil y and achieve d s o much . W e ar e fortunat e tha t Dr . Le e wil l maintain clos e tie s wit h u s a s a lif e membe r o f th e Counci l and w e wis h hi m al l th e bes t i n hi s retirement . 香港中文大學年報 校長報告 8