Annual Report 1997-98

新任校董 New Counci l Member s 陸觀豪先生 (自一九九七年十一月十四日起; 由大學監督委任) Mr. Roge r K.H . Lu k (from 14t h Novembe r 1997 ; nominated b y th e Chancellor ) 黃志祥先生 (自一九九七年十一月十四日起; 由大學監督委任) Mr. Rober t Ng (from 14t h Novembe r l997 ; nominated b y th e Chancellor ) 馮國綸先生 (自一九九八年五月二十九日起; 由大學校董會選任) Mr. Fun g Kwok-lun , Willia m (from 29t h Ma y 1998 ; elected b y th e Council ) 汪穗中先生 (自一九九八年五月二十九日起; 由大學校董會選任) Mr. Wan g Shui-chung , Patric k (from 29t h Ma y 1998 ; elected b y th e Council ) 陳鑑林議員 (自一九九八年七月十日起; 由立法會議員互選產生) The Honourabl e Cha n Kam-la m (from 10t h Jul y 1998 ; elected b y member s o f th e Legislative Council ) 張文光議員 (自一九九八年七月十日起; 由立法會議員互選產生) The Honourabl e Cheun g Man - kwong (from 10t h Jul y 1998 ; electe d b y members o f th e Legislativ e Council) 田北俊議員 (自一九九八年七月十日起; 由立法會議員互選產生) The Honourabl e Jame s P.C . Tie n (from 10t h Jul y 1998 ; electe d b y members o f th e Legislativ e Council) The Chines e Universit y of Hong KongAnnual Report Leadership Evolution II