Annual Report 1997-98

年內獲委任或獲選任之大學主管人員 University Officer s Appointed/Electe d During the Yea r 司庫 Treasurer 郭炳聯先生 (自一 九九七年十月二十四日起 ) Mr. Raymon d P.L . Kwo k (from 24t h Octobe r 1997 ) 教育學院院長 Dean of Education 鍾宇平敎授 (自一九九七年八月一日起) Prof. Stephe n Y.P. Chun g (from 1s t August 1997 ) 工程學院院長 Dean o f Engineering 程伯中敎授 ( 自一九九八年一月一日起) Prof. Chin g Pak-chun g (from 1s t January 1998) 卸任校董 Outgoing Counci l Member s 大學向三位卸任校董致謝: A vote o fthanks t o three outgoing Council members 陳鑑林議員 ( 由一九九七年十二月五日至一九九八年六月三十日; 由臨時立法會議員互選產生) The Honourable Chan Kam-lam (from 5t h December 199 7 to 30t h Jun e 1998; elected b y members o f the Provisiona l Legislativ e Council) 羅祥國議員 ( 由一九九七年十二月五日至一九九八年六月三十日; 由臨時立法會議員互選產生) Dr. th e Honourable La w Cheung-kwok (from 5t h December 199 7 to 30t h Jun e 1998; elected b y members o f the Provisional Legislativ e Council) 鄧兆棠議員 ( 由一九九七年十二月五日至一九九八年六月三十日; 由臨時立法會議員互選產生 ) Dr. th e Honourabl e Tan g Siu-ton g (from 5t h December 199 7 to 30t h June 1998 ; elected b y members o f the Provisional Legislative Council) 香港中文大學年報 領 導 層 嬗變 1 2