Annual Report 1997-98

(左起)多倫多大學副校長 Prof . Heather Munroe-Blum 、 中大副校長楊綱凱敎授和清華大學 微生物敎研主任陳國強敎授 (From left ) Prof . Heathe r Munroe-Blum, vice-presiden t of th e Universit y o f Toronto ; Prof. Kennet h Young , pro - vice-chancellor o f CUHK ; and Prof . Che n Guoqiang , vice-dean o f internationa l affairs o f Tsinghu a Universit y • A n Associatio n o f Universit y President s o f Chin a involvin g 10 leadin g researc h universitie s o n th e mainlan d an d i n Hong Kon g wa s formed , wit h Th e Chines e Universit y serving a s th e Hon g Kon g secretaria t o f th e association . Meantime, exchang e wit h Taiwa n Universit y continue d t o flourish an d ne w element s suc h a s tele-educatio n an d academic conference s wer e added . Th e Universit y als o strived t o promot e trilateral academi c exchang e amon g universities on th e mainland , i n Taiwa n an d i n Hon g Kon g t o achieve deepe r understandin g an d foste r more collaborativ e projects. At th e international level , som e 13 7 foreig n student s enrolle d in th e University' s variou s academi c programme s durin g th e year an d 22 5 CUH K student s benefite d fro m a tota l o f 5 8 agreements tha t wer e i n plac e fo r studen t exchang e programmes involvin g 2 1 countries . These include d si x ne w agreement s enacte d fo r implementation from Januar y 199 9 t o giv e one-semeste r stud y abroa d experiences t o MB A student s a t CUHK . Th e agreement s were conclude d wit h Haute s Etude s Commerciale s i n France , University o f St . Galle n i n Switzerland , Copenhage n Busines s School i n Denmark , Escuel a Superio r d e Administratio n Y Direction d e Empresa s i n Spain , IES E Unlversida d d e Navarr a in Spain , an d th e University\o f Texa s a t Austi n i n th e USA . Five ne w cooperativ e agreement s for othe r areas o f exchange we r e als o established . The y include d t w o agreements with th e Universit y o f Illinoi s a t Urbana-Champaig n fo r a Sha w Colleg e exchang e an d a n exchang e wit h th e Facult y of Engineering ; a n agreemen t eac h wit h Th e Colleg e o f Engineering a t th e Universit y o f Missouri-Columbi a an d Tuft s University; an d a tripartit e agreemen t wit h th e Universit y o f Toronto an d Tsinghu a Universit y t o expedit e researc h an d development i n th e fiel d o f biotechnology . The Universit y als o continue d t o expan d it s link s an d collaborative effort s i n teachin g an d researc h wit h othe r centres o f excellenc e aroun d th e world . Throug h exchang e programmes, bilatera l an d consortia l agreements , and research cooperation , student s an d facult y benefite d fro m visits t o partne r institution s th e worl d over an d retur n visit s from thei r counterpart s t o Th e Chines e University . Facult y exchange programme s wer e sponsore d i n cooperatio n wit h The Britis h Council , th e Fulbrigh t Program , an d th e Association of Southeas t Asia n Institution s o f Highe r Learnin g (ASAIHL). Partners fo r long-establishe d cooperativ e programme s include Th e Henr y Luc e Foundation , Yal e University , th e United Boar d fo r Christia n Highe r Educatio n i n Asia , Th e Council o f Foundations , Yale-Chin a Association , an d th e Lingnan Foundation . The Universit y i s a membe r o f th e Associatio n o f Commonwealth Universities, th e Internationa l Associatio n o f Universities, ASAIHL, an d th e Hon g Kong-Americ a Center . I t als o participates i n th e activitie s o f th e Universit y Mobilit y i n Asi a and th e Pacifi c (UMAP) , th e Internationa l Studen t Exchang e Program (ISEP) , th e Institut e o f Internationa l Educatio n (HE) , and th e Associatio n o f Internationa l Educators . 香港中文大學年報 學術發展 20