Annual Report 1997-98

傑•出•研•究 Outstanding Research Project 醫學院 Facu l ty of Me d i c i ne 黃潘慧仙敎授(前排左四)與其威爾斯親王醫院的同事一起 探究鼻咽癌的病原,利用他們在腫瘤生長各階段發現的分子 基因標記,描續癌病前期至成癌階段基因轉變的次序,並 闡釋 EB 病毒在整個過程的作用。 Prof. Doll y Huan g (fron t row , lef t 4 ) an d he r tea m a t the Princ e o f Wale s Hospita l conducte d researc h int o the pathogenesi s o f nasopharynea l carcinoma . Base d on molecula r geneti c marker s the y discovere d a t different phase s o f tumou r progression , the y ar e abl e to propos e th e sequenc e o f geneti 0 change s fro m th e precancerous stag e t o cance r formation , an d t o elucidate th e rol e o f th e Epstein-Barr virus i n th e process.