Annual Report 1997-98

校長報告 VICE-CHANCELLOR'S REVIEW 一九九七至九八年是大學積極向外拓展的一年,也是嚴肅內省,以審 視實力和策略的一年。 向外拓展 向外拓展學術聯繫,是一所大學的基本需要;因為學術聯繫有助敎研 人員汲取各地最新的學問,最尖端的科技,以進行更深更廣的學術 探索和研究。而與社會不同階層的對話和交流,更是大學的責任; 透過這些對話和交流,敎研人員得以了解社會的需求,從而貢獻他們 的學養和專長,並表達他們對社會的關懷。 過去一年,中文大學積極與海內外各類圑體進行聯繫與交流,取得美 滿的成果。就以香港為例,我們的目標是加強與中小學的溝通和合 作。本校敎育學院籌劃的香港躍進學校計劃,將會協助五十所中 小學進行改革,以提高敎育素質。而由工程學院發起,七所本地大 學協辦的香港資訊校園計劃,更會透過互聯網把本地中小學和幼稚園 連結在一起,共同推廣資訊科技敎育。中大不少敎研單位為培養資 優中學生特別設計課程,又為中小學校提供改善語文敎育的資源。 由八位專上院校校長組成的大學校長會,也特別邀請中學代表參加 The year 1997-98 has been dominated by active reaching out on the one hand, and conscientious introspection about the University's strengths and strategic objectives on the other. Reaching Out To reach out is both a need and a responsibility. We need to reach out so that we know the latest developments in the world of learning and share the benefits of new discoveries with partners aroun d the world. We should reach out to contribute our knowledge and expertise to good causes and show that we care. Over the past year, the University has been reaching out to the local, national, and international communities with vigour and persistence. Locally we proactivei y forged more linkages with secondary and primary schools as well as other educational institutions. The Hong Kong Accelerated Schools Project was 香港中文大學年報 2 校長報告