Annual Report 1997-98

(上圖)香港躍進學校計劃成立典禮: (左起)中大敎育學院院長鍾宇平敎授、優質敎育基金督導委員會 主席顧爾言先生、大學校董會主席利漢釗博士、參與計劃的學校 校長代表李石玉如女士、中大李國章校長。 (Above) Guest s officiatin g a t th e openin g ceremon y of Hon g Kon g Accelerate d School s Project : (from left ) Prof . Chun g Yue-ping , CUH K dea n o f education ; Mr. Irvin g Koo , chairma n o f th e Qualit y Educatio n Fund ; Dr. Le e Hon-chiu , chairma n o f th e Universit y Council ; Mrs. Le e She k Yuk-yu , representativ e o f th e principals o f participatin g schools ; an d Prof. A r t h u r K.C . Li , vice-chancello r o f th e Universit y 「三改四工作小組」的討論,以求取得改革學制的共識。我們深信, 敎育界各個團體必須緊密溝通和聯繫,才可全面改良香港的敎育制 度,培養出高素質的人才。 這些聯繫並不囿限於敎育界,中大的敎職員亦熱心參與社會服務,為 眾多的政府委員會、法定團體、專業學會,以及福利機構等獻力獻 策:又針對各類政經及民生事項作出評論和提出建議;有些則透過技 術轉移,把硏究所得回饋社會,裨益工商業發展。去年我們獲得工 業署多項巨額資助,把硏究成果開發成為新產品和新服務,推出市 場;設於中大校園的香港生物科技硏究院有限公司,更因為技術轉移 活動日趨活躍,首度收支平衡。 launched t o hel p 5 0 school s implemen t reform s an d improve the qualit y o f education ; the Hon g Kon g Cybe r Campus wa s designe d i n collaboratio n wit h seve n othe r universities t o lin k u p al l loca l schools vi a the internet in an attempt t o promot e I T education; specialcourses were offered b y variou s Universit y unit s t o nurture specially talented schoo l childre n an d t o increas e thei r language proficiency; an d representative s o f secondary schools were invited t o Joi n th e deliberatio n o f a workin g grou p o n th e duration o f undergraduat e programme s unde r th e Head s o f Universities Committee , I t i s ou r belie f tha t greate r cooperation and bette r communicatio n amon g differen t sectors o f th e educatio n communit y ar e essentia l fo r th e overall upgradin g o f educatio n qualit y i n Hon g Kong . The Chinese University of Hong KongAnnual Repor t Vice-chancellor's Review 3