Annual Report 1997-98

• Specia l grant s for conductin g researc h abroa d durin g summer: Grant s amountin g t o HK$770,00 0 wer e awarded t o 2 9 teacher s t o carr y ou t qualit y researc h outside Hon g Kon g in th e summe r o f 1998 . • Conference grants : Financia l assistanc e wa s give n to 330 successfu l applicant s t o atten d academi c an d professional conference s i n Hon g Kon g an d overseas . • Reimbursemen t o f trainin g an d developmen t expenses : Departments an d administrativ e unit s wer e allocate d staff trainin g budget s t o provid e fo r reimbursement s t o successful applicant s wh o attende d seminars , work- shops, an d course s fo r trainin g an d developmen t purposes. • interna l trainin g programmes : Th e Personne l Offic e organized a n Executiv e Orientatio n Programm e fo r 1 8 newly-recruited executiv e an d administrativ e staf f an d a Staff Inductio n Programm e fo r 3 7 newly-recruite d clerica l and secretaria l staff . Th e Compute r Service s Centr e offered trainin g course s fo r 90 6 staf f member s i n computer application . An d th e Teachin g Developmen t Unit ra n orientatio n programme s for 5 6 ne w teacher s during th e academi c year . TheChinese University of Hong Kong Annural Report Staff 61