Annual Report 1997-98

李國章校長在本校駐北大聯絡處開幕典禮上致辭 Vice-Chancellor Prof . A r t h u r K.C . L i at th e openin g ceremon y o f CUHK ' s liaison offic e i n Beijin g 中國大學校長聯誼會於一九九七年十一月成立 The inauguratio n o f th e Associatio n o f Universit y Presidents o f Chin a i n Novembe r 199 7 我們在國內的學術交流和拓展活動亦取得前所未有的成功。中大的聯 繫網絡伸延至內地最偏遠的省份,而我們更在北京大學設立了聯絡 處,積極擴展與內地高等敎硏機構的合作和交流。本年度我們與 中國科學院合辦地球信息科學聯合實驗室,與上海有機化學硏究所 合辦滬港化學合成聯合實驗室,更得北大和上海復旦大學協助,招收 內地傑出學生來港就讀中大本科課程。這些都是互惠互利的合作: 中大固然可以借鑑內地的經驗,以改善敎硏素質,又可以反過來協 助培育內地人才。正因如此,我們於九七年十一月大力撮成了中國大 學校長聯誼會的成立,並於中大設立大會的香港區秘書處,以促進 兩地高等敎育的發展。 To th e many governmen t committees , publi c bodies , professional an d voluntar y organizations , Universit y members als o reache d ou t t o mak e availabl e thei r servic e and experienc e i n divers e ways . Man y hav e bee n sensitiv e and responsiv e t o topica l issues ; the y hav e acte d a s a talent poo l t o rende r opinio n leadershi p o n a wid e rang e o f problems 一 social , economic , medical , an d technological . Others hav e sough t t o exploi t th e intellectua l propert y generated fro m thei r researc h t o benefi t loca l comme r c e and industry , Technolog y transfe r i s on e o f th e mean s b y which th e Universit y disseminate s ne w knowledg e t o th e community tha t support s it . We ar e prou d t o repor t tha t very substantia l amount s wer e obtaine d fro m th e Industria l Support Fun d durin g th e yea r t o develo p an d transfe r ne w technologies t o th e community , an d th e Hon g Kon g Institut e of Biotechnolog y Ltd. , a self-financin g developmen t centr e for biotechnolog y product s o n campus , manage d t o brea k even fo r th e firs t tim e thi s yea r becaus e o f increased activities i n thi s area . At th e nationa l level , outreac h activitie s hav e neve r bee n more fruitful . Our arm s extende d t o th e remotes t province s on th e mainland , an d a liaiso n offic e wa s establishe d i n 香港中文大學年報 校長報告 4