Annual Report 1998-99

譬如本校工商管理學院就於一九九九年四月通過了國際管理敎 育協會的入會評審,正式成為該會會員。該會是知名的國際學術 評審機構,專門審核有關工管、會計,以及管理學位的課程。 中大的工商管理學院是亞洲區第一所商學院獲邀接受入會評審, 成為會員後,將得以與著名的哈佛、耶魯、西北及賓夕法尼亞 等大學的商學院建立更密切的聯繫。 另外我們又於一九九九年四月舉辦「大學校長論壇」,邀請中外 共四十七所名校的校長親臨中大校園,一同探討全球高等敎育發 展趨勢,課題涵蓋資訊科技、科學園、終身敎育、大學硏究事 務,和大學的管理等。會議由中國大學校長聯誼會主辦,中文大 學籌辦,屬一時之盛,是香港歷來最大規模的同類型會議,與 會者均感到是次交流極為有用。 為了實現成為國際公認第一流大學這個目標,本校將積極進取, 繼續拓展與國際學術界的合作關係。 高層人事變動 本年度大學領導層也有頗多變動。 首先,林李翹如博士於一九九九年一月一日起辭去在大學校董 會的職位。林博士歷任大學校董、大學司庫和大學校董會副 主席等職,以超卓的領導才能服務中大逾廿年,曾積極參與策 劃和推動大學整體事務如校園發展,財務運作,籌募捐款, 設立大學基金和改良敎職員公職金計劃等,貢獻至鉅;我謹代 表大學同人向林博士衷心致謝。林博士於一九九九年二月一日 起出任敎資會主席,我們將會和林博士保持密切的聯繫,並 希望她在新職事事順利。 大學司庫郭炳聯先生繼林博士出任大學校董會副主席,而大學 司庫一職則由陸觀豪先生接任。我們又歡迎新任校董金聖華敎 授、蔡棉敎授、關信基敎授、劉兆佳敎授和李卓予敎授。 campus to discuss issues ranging from information technology, science park, and lifelong education to university research and management. Hosted by the Association of University Presidents of China and organized by The Chinese University, the function was the largest of its kind in Hong Kong, and participants have found th e exchange most useful. To realize its goal of becoming recognized internationally as a first-class university that has achieved standards of excellence , the University will continue to develop international relations proactively. e v o l v i n g leadership When all these events were taking place, there have been considerable changes in University leadership. Having served as Council member, University treasurer, and then vice- chairman of the University Council over the last tw o decades, Dr. Alice Lam resigned from her appointments at the University Council with effect from 1 St January 1999. On behalf of the University, I would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Lam for the very capable leadership she rendered and the outstanding contributions she made in such areas as campus planning, financial management, fund raising, and the revamping of the staff superannuation schemes. We wish Dr. La m all the best and shall continue to maintain close links with her in her new capacity as Chairman of the UGC, a post she has assumed since 1st February 1999. In Dr. Lam's place we would welcome the new vice-chairman of the University Council Mr. Raymond P.L . Kwok. And succeeding Mr. Kwok as University Treasurer is Mr. Roger K.H. Luk. I would also like to welcome five other new Council members: Prof. Serena S.H. Jin, Prof. Choy Yuen- min, Prof. Kuan Hsin-chi, Prof. Lau Siu-kai, and Prof. C.Y. Lee. During the year, two new faculty cleans were elected, namely Prof. Kwok Siu-tong as Dean of Art s and Prof. Sydney S.C. Chung as Dean of Medicine. 校長報吿 Vice-Chancellor's Review 8