Annual Report 1998-99

是年文學院和醫學院分別選出郭少棠敎授和鍾尚志敎授出任院 長;而黃鈞堯敎授則由一九九八年八月一日起獲委任為聯合 書院院長。 我謹代表校方向所有卸任的校董和大學主管人員致謝,感謝他 們任內對中大的貢獻。 展 望 未 來 要是沒有校董會的睿智領導,沒有大學同人的努力,沒有校友、 善長和熱心人士的慷慨支持,一九九八至九九年勢必更為艱辛, 我們亦難以取得這麼多豐碩的成果。我對校內校外的支 持者感激萬分。 一九九八至二零零一年這個三年撥款期已經過了三分之一,而 政府未來的撥款顯見只會有減無加。可幸中大已證明了自己 的韌力,無論日子如何艱難,總能保持活力、競爭力和生產力。 我們將繼續以積極樂觀的態度去面對未來的挑戰,盡量把握社 會轉變帶來的契機,去創造卓越的成績。 是以管理檢討和架構重組將會繼續下去,敎與學的素質會不斷 提高,研究成果和科技轉移會持續增加,大學與國際卓越中 心的交流也會不絕擴展。而我們更希望能繼續得到各方友好的 鼎力支持,向前邁進。 校長 李國章 一九九九年七月卅一日 Prof. Wong Kwan-yiu was on the other hand appointed new head of United College on 1st August 1998. I would like to record the University's thanks to all outgoing Counci l members and University Officers for the valuable contributions the y have made to CUHK during their term. Looking Ahead Indeed, without the wise counsel and guidance of our Council members, without the hard work of all our colleagues, and without the generous support of our alumni, donors, and benefactors, the yea r 1998-99 would have been much more difficult, and would not have yielded so many pleasing results. To them I owe my utmost gratitude. We are now one-third into the 1998-2001 triennium. While it is most apparent that government support will continue t o dwindle, we have demonstrated to ourselves and others that we are resourceful enough to maintain our viability, competitiveness, and productivity in harsh circumstances. We shall therefore persist with our positive, proactive approach to the challenges of this triennium as well as those of the coming millennium, striving to take full advantage of the opportunities generated by dynamic social change to achieve distinction. Conscientious reviews and reorganizations will therefore continue; teaching and learning quality will consistently improve; research output and technology transfer will further increase; international connections and linkages with centres of excellence will proliferate. And I hop e the University will continue to enjoy your solid support. Arthur K.C. Li Vice-Chancellor 31st July 1999 校長報告 Vice-Chancellor's Review 9