Annual Report 1998-99

工業支援基金、醫療服務硏究基金和優質敎育基金的資助趨勢 Funding f rom ISF, HSRF and QEF 本年度經中大硏究委員會分配的硏究經費總額為二千九百二十 萬港元, 其中一千七百九十萬港元為硏究資助局的直接撥款, 餘額是從政府的整體撥款抽調而來,用以資助經費少於十五 萬港元的硏究項目,和以下五類硏究活動:與卓越硏究中心合 作進行的幹線硏究計劃,長期的策略性硏究計劃,研究生參 加學術會議,博士後硏究計劃,以及待批專利權期間的跟進研 究。 In the same year, a total of HK$29.2 million was disbursed internally by the CUHK Research Committee, o f which HK$17.9 million was a direct allocation from the RGC, and the rest being resources drawn from the University Block Grant . Most of the funding went towards the support of small projects costing less than HK$0.15 million each. The balance was used to finance five categories of research activities: the Mainline Research Scheme which encourages new collaboration with research centres of excellence, the Strategic Research Programme which supports long-term strategic initiatives, travel grants for research postgraduate students , the Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, and research support for patent-pendin g projects. The cumulative amount of competitive research grants awarded by the RGC 硏究 Research 36