Annual Report 1998-99

過去一年在中大發表演説的著名專家學者有歷史學家徐中 約敎授(左圖)、音樂家卞趙如蘭敎授(上圖左)等。 Famous historian Prof. Immanuel C.Y. Hsu (left), and music expert Prof. Rulan Chao Pian (upper, left) on CUHK campus 約敎授、敎育學家 Prof. Stephen J. Ball、 醫學界翹楚 Prof, Thomas B. Ferguson 及 Prof. Sanson-Fisher 、 著名學者柳存 仁敎授、音樂家卞趙如蘭敎授,以及漢學家顧彬敎授 ( Prof. Wolfgang Ku b i n ) 等。 大學的文物館則每年舉辦多項展覽,並配以硏討會、刊物等, 增進社會人士對文化藝術的認識和欣賞。 文物館本年與湖北省博物館、荊州博物館和宜昌博物館合辦 「江漢地區先秦文明」展覽,展出上述三館珍藏的出土文物; 又與中大中國考古藝術硏究中心合作,舉辧「發掘無文字的香 港——香港中文大學十年考古收穫」展覽,並協辦「東亞古 玉研究國際會議」,出席之中外學者逾百人。此外,該館得到 黃苗子先生惠贈拓本,舉辦「貞珉丹青——中國古代畫像石畫 像磚拓片」展覽;又蒙楊永德伉儷惠借珍藏,舉辧「楊永德 伉儷珍藏中國古代黑釉瓷」展覽。各項展覽全年共吸引了三萬 多名市民參觀。 president of the International Federation of Stock Exchanges in November 1998. Prof. Arthu r K.C. Li, vice-chancellor, was conferred the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa, by the University of Hull in March 1999. p r o m o t i o n o f a r t a n d c u l t u r e Each year the University and its constituent colleges organize a variety of distinguished professorship/ fellowship schemes which bring outstanding scholars the world over to the campus. Their public lectures and seminar s invigorate the intellectual community of Hong Kong and generate beneficial academic exchanges. Prominent speakers this year included historian Prof. Immanuel C.Y. Hsu, educationalist Prof. Stephen J. Ball, medical specialists Prof. Thomas B. Ferguson and Prof. Sanson-Fisher, academic Prof. Liu Ts'un-yan, music expert Prof. Rulan Chao Pian, as well as sinologist Prof. Wolfgang Kubin. The Art Museum of the University continue d to contribute to the cultural life of Hong Kong by promoting the appreciation of Chinese art through it s exhibitions, publications, and seminars. This year the Art Museum mounted an exhibition entitled 'Pre-Qin Civilization in the Jianghan Region' jointly with the Hubei Provincial Museum, the Jingzhou Museum and the Yichang Museum. It co-organized with the Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art a local archaeological exhibition called 'Unearthing Hong Kong Before the Advent of Writing: A Decade of Archaeology at The Chinese University of Hon g Kong'. In 服務香港 放眼世界 Service to Hong Kong and th e Wo r ld 49