Annual Report 1998-99

年至今,本校畢業生人數已累積至六萬零七百七十七人。本科 畢業生之中,有一百二十人於第一學期結束後,已達至修業 要求而於學年中畢業,這是本校靈活學分制的特色之一。 高級學位及文憑頒授數目 Number of Higher Degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas Awarded 1 9 9 8 - 9 9 1 9 6 6 - 9 9 博士學位 Doctoral degrees 87 474 碩士學位 Master's degrees 964 7,098 文憑 Diplomas 526 9,377 總數 Total 1,577 16,949 學生活動 大學學生會、各成員書院學生會,以及一百九十多個院會、 系會和興趣小組,於一九九八至九九年度舉辦了多種課外 活動,包括文娛康樂節目、體育活動和社會服務,更創辦了 中大足球超級聯賽及校園電台。透過參與這些活動,學 生可培養領導和組織能力,增強自信,服務同學,使校園 生活更為充實。 學生又獲校方資助,參加本地及海外的比賽,藉以增廣見聞, 例如第四屆中國八大名校辯論賽(上海)、第十九屆兩大體 育節(香港)、第十屆 Harold Crookell 國際商業個案分析 競賽(加拿大)等。中大學生更在加拿大的商業個案分析競 賽中撃敗其他九所參賽大學,奪得冠軍。 higher degree students. This brought the total cumulative number of graduates since 1966 to 60,777. One hundred and twenty undergraduate students completed their studies by the end of the first term and graduated in the middle of an academic year, which was a special feature of the flexible credit unit system implemented since 1991-92. 學士學位頒授數目 Number of First Degrees Awarded 1 9 9 8 - 9 9 1 9 6 6 - 9 9 文學士 BA 422 9,115 工商管理學士 BBA 491 8,269 教育學士 B.Ed 177 1.064 工程學士 B.Eng. 392 2,330 內外全科醫學士 M.B.Ch.B. 149 1,518 醫學科學學士 B.Med.Sc. 1 52 護理學士 B.Nurs. 117 549 藥劑學士 B.Pharm. 29 154 理學士 B.Sc. 597 9,874 社會科學學士 B.S.Sc. 538 10,903 總數 Total 2,913 43,828 Student Activities During 1998-99, a wide range of extracurricular activities were organize d through the University Student Union, the four college student unions, faculty and departmental societies, and numerous other student associations and interest groups. The activities organized were diverse, covering cultural, social, and recreational areas, and were instrumental in enhancing students' intellectual growth, strengthening their self-esteem, and enriching campus life. In the year under review, the Chinese University football premier league was inaugurated and the campus radio ran for the first time. 學生及校友 Students and Alumni 60