Annual Report 1998-99

一九九八至九九年度新生入學人數 s t udent Admi ss i on 1998-99 全日制課程 Full-time Programme 兼讀制課程 Part-time Programme 總人數 Total 本科生* Undergraduate* 2,856 119 2,975 (2,988) 硏究生* * Postgraduate** 文憑課程 Diploma programmes 160 519 679 碩士課程 Master's programmes 445 821 1,266 博士課程 Doctoral programmes 99 26 125 704 1,366 2,070 (1,630) 總人數 Total 3,560 1,485 5,045 (4,618) * 以當年九月三十日之紀錄計算 All figures as at 30th September * *於一九九八至九九年度錄取之學生,包括五百五十名在大學敎育資助委員會核定學額以外錄取者 Number of students admitted during 1998-99 , including 550 students admitted outside UGC quota ( ) 內為一九九七至九八年度新生入學人數 Indicating 1997-98 figures 新 生 入 學 人數 本年大學共錄取新生五千零四十五名,計本科生二千九百七十 五名,研究生二千零七十名。大學亦首次從內地招收了二十 八名本科生。 畢業生 一九九八至九九年內共有四千四百九十名學生完成學業,其中 二千九百一十三名為本科生,一千零五十一名為硏究院高級學位 課程學生,五百二十六名為硏究院文憑課程學生。自一九六六 of undergraduate student enrolment. The ratio of male to female students in the University was much the same as in previous years, i.e. 1.0 to 1.1. Student Admission A total of 5,045 new students were admitted during the year, among whom 2,975 were undergraduate students and 2,070 postgraduate students. For the first time, the University recruite d 28 undergraduate students from the mainland. Graduates A total of 4,490 students completed their studies in 1998-99, including 2,913 first degree students, 526 postgraduate diploma students, and 學生及校友 Students and Alumn i 59