Annual Report 1998-99

不少校友以其專業知識和實務經驗協助母校發展,他們除參與 校內各類諮詢委員會的工作外,也有出任大學和書院校董,並應 邀主持專業講座,和學弟學妹分享他們的工作經驗和心得。此 外,中大校友亦大力捐款資助「中國就業發展獎勵計劃」。 中大各校友會除致力聯絡校友、支持母校發展外,亦十分關注 本港和內地的社會及敎育事務。中大評議會在一九九八至九九年 度曾先後就本地大學校長會發表的大學本科學制三改四諮詢文 件,以及敎育統籌委員會發表的《廿一世紀敎育藍圖——敎育 制度檢討:敎育目標諮詢文件》,發表回應意見書;另外發起 中大校友賑濟長江水災籌款活動。而「香港中文大學校友會 聯會敎育基金會有限公司」繼續籌款支持內地貧困地區的小學 敎育,另再集資在內地增建三間校友會小學。連同過去在內地 捐建的三間小學,以及在本港開辦的幼稚園、小學和中學各 一間,中大校友會聯會在本港及內地共興辦了九間學校。 During the year, the University continued t o benefit from the valuable input of the alumni who contributed their professional expertise to the development of their alma mater through participation in the University Council, College Boards of Trustees, and various advisory committees. Others shared their professional experience with students of the University by giving talks and seminars. The alumni community also donated substantially to the University's China Career Development Award Programme for 1998. The activities of alumni associations have evolve d towards greater diversity. Apart from alumni networking and liaison with their alma mater, they also contribute to the social and educational development of Hong Kong and the mainland. In 1998-99, the Convocation of the University released two opinion papers in response to two policy papers relating to education, i.e. t h e Consultation Document on Duration of Undergraduate Programmes released by the Heads of Universities Committee , and the Consultation Document on Education Blueprint for the 21st Century — Review of Academic System: Aims of Education r e l e a s ed by the Education Commission. It also staged a fund-raising campaign to seek support for flood victims in China. The Education Foundation of the Federation of the Alumni Associations of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Limited, on the other hand, continued to solicit donations from alumni to buy books and sponsor tuition fees for school children in poverty-stricken areas on the mainland. The foundation also pooled funds to build three more alumni primary schools on the mainland in 1 998-99, which, together with the three other primary schools already established in mainland China, and one kindergarten, one primary school , and one secondary school in Hong Kong, has brought the total number of schools under the foundation's wing to nine. \ 冠軍科技集團主席、中大校友簡文樂先生應邀回 母校主持「電子商務」講座 Mr. Paul Kan Man-lok, chairman of Champion Technology Holdings Limited and a CUHK alumnus, delivering a talk on e-commerce on the University campus 學生及校友 Students and Alumni 67