Annual Report 1998-99

擴大網絡覆蓋 電腦中心又推出連繫校園主幹網的「課室網絡」,以方便師 生利用手提電腦講課、交作業和做專題介紹;而「宿舍網絡」 則供宿生在宿舍房間把私人電腦連接上校園網絡以至互聯網。 已登記使用「宿舍網絡」的宿生人數逾一千八百名。另外, 許多宿舍已在自修室添置了公用電腦,供學生上網之用。 公元二千年數位問題 是年電腦中心為處理公元二千年數位問題,採取了許多特別措 施,以確保校園主幹網和重要的電腦系統能百分百過渡二零 零零年。截至一九九九年七月,電腦中心已為所有中央電腦系 統制訂了應變計劃。 Y2K Problem To tackle the Y2K problem, special efforts were made during the year to ensure that the Campus Backbone Network and al l mission-critical computer systems and applications are 100 per cent Y2K compliant. Contingency plans for all centrally managed computer system s were also completed by July 1999. 敎學輔助設施 Academic Support Facilities 71