Annual Report 1998-99

嘉許校方在制訂策略,資源分配,推行計劃,角色、職責與培 訓,提供服務,以及管理資訊與系統這六大管理範疇的表現。 最令人欣慰的,就是在眾多曾接受同類檢討的本地大學之中, 以中大的管理措施最為當局欣賞,屢獲引用為良好管理的例子。 這都證明了中大能化挑戰為動力,自我改善求進。 教學與學習 本校多年來不斷改良科目檢討制度,以更有效地提高敎學與學 習的素質;各學系又經常檢討課程的適切性,以配合社會發 展所需;校內的敎學發展組則繼續為敎師舉辦硏討會和工作坊, 或進行有關研究,協助敎師掌握敎學要訣。校方更籌備在學院 和學系層面推出獎勵計劃,以表揚優秀敎師和具創意的敎學。 去年推出的「提前退休計劃」和「自願離職而獲補償計劃」, 在公平公正和謹慎的原則下繼續實行,而敎學表現證實因此 而有所改進。 此外,本校敎師所建議的十項計劃, 獲敎資會一九九八至九九年度敎學 發展撥款共二千七百五十萬港元, 金額為本地大學之冠,並佔總撥款百 分之廿六,成績敎人興奮。這十個 項目必可促進創新的敎學方法,改善 不同學科的敎學成績。 資訊科技和語文都是重要的學習工 具。校方於是年特別設計了一套網上 的訓練課程和測試方法,供學生學 習資訊科技,並測驗他們是否有足夠 的應用能力;我們又收集學生對於各 種語文改善計劃的意見,確保這些 計劃能有效地提高他們的語文水平。 after their visit to the University in April 1999 to examine its management practices. The UGC's commendation was in fact all-rounded, covering each of the six reviewed areas of strategic direction ; resource allocation; implementation o f plans; roles, responsibilities, and training; service delivery; and management information and systems. It is worthy of note that more management practices were cited from CUHK for praise than from any other local university that had been similarly reviewed. All bear testimony to the University's success in harnessing challenge for its own revitalization and improvement. TEACHING A ND LEARNING To seek continuous improvement in teaching and learning quality, the University's course evaluation system was refined during the year to enhance its validity; academic programmes were regularly reviewed to improve their social relevance and applicability; and the Teaching Development Unit persisted in its efforts to help teachers master the art of instruction through seminars, workshops, and research. Plans were under way for the introduction of faculty and departmental awards to give recognition to exemplary and innovative teaching. The early retirement scheme and the special resignation scheme, both introduced in 1997-98, continued to be administered with great care and fairness during 1998- 99, and were found to be effective in improving performance. An exciting development was that 10 projects proposed by CUHK teachers successfully won the most competitive teaching development grants totalling 根據一九九八年的統計,經大學聯合招生途徑入讀中大的 全日制本科新生之中,百分之九十四屬甲組申請人,意即 他們的頭三個報讀志願包括了中大的課程。 Admission figures for 1998 show that 94 per cent of the students admitted through the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) in the year were Band A applicants, meaning that they had chosen CUHK programmes as their first, second, or third choice programmes. 校長報告 Vice-Chancellor's Review 4