Annual Report 1998-99

我們的展望 OUR VISIO N 努 成 為 香 港 、 全 國 及 國 際 公 認 的 第 一 流 研 究 大 學 , 並 使 我 校 建 立 於 雙 語 及 雙 文 化 傳 統 的 學 生 敎 育 、 學 術 成 果 及 社 會 貢 獻 , 保 持 在 卓 越 水 平 。 To be acknowledgedl o c a l l y , n a t i o n a l l y a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y as a f i r s t - c l a s researchu n i v e r s i t yw h o s e b i l i n g u a l a n d b i c u l t u r a l d i m e n s i o n s o f s t u d education,schlorlyo u t p u t a n d c o n t r i b u t i o n t o t h e c o m m u n i t y consistently m e e t s t a n d a r d s o f e x c e l l e n c e . 一年下來,中大變得更圑結,更有目標;我們的管理工作獲 敎 資會高度評價,我們獲選為亞洲十大學府之一;我們更有信 心克服前路的險阻,爭取更大的成就。 管理檢討 大學內部的審核和管理檢討,自一九九七年開始從未間斷。本 年接受審核的部門有出版事務處、新聞及公共關係處、電算 機服務處/資訊科技服務處,以及校本部庶務組。 一連串的審核、檢討、架構重組,和精簡程序工作,為大學省 下了可觀的開支,並提高了有關部門的生產力。敎資會於一 九九九年四月蒞校,審視中大的管理措施後,亦高度讚揚本校 在提高整體管理效率和成本效益方面所取得的成就,更全面 cost-effectiveness in administration. Much work has been done to maintain the high quality of teaching and research and to cultivate international links. And following the Strategic Planning Workshop for senior management held in May 1998, much contribution has been made by units across the University to the formulation of an institutional development pla n that clearly defines the University's vision, mission, and strategic direction, identifying areas o f strength for focussed development and outlining action plans for the realization of specific goals. What results is a university that is imbued with a new sense of direction and solidarity, a university that is highly praised by the UGC for its exemplar y management, a university that is ranked among the top te n in Asia, and a university that is always ready to surmount obstacles to achieve even more. m a n a g e m e n t r e v i e w The series of internal audits and management efficiency reviews lauched since early 1997 continued well into 1998-99 . Offices reviewed during the year included the Publication Office, the Information and Public Relation s Office, the Computer Services Centre/Information Technology Service Unit, and the Central Office Support Service. Audits, reviews, and subsequent efforts at restructuring and streamlinin g procedures have led to significant cost savings or productivity gains i n various units. The success of the exercise in heightening University-wid e efficiency and cost-effectiveness was applauded by a UGC review panel 校長報吿 Vice-Chancellor's Review 3